First of all, I just want to say, "f***in' right, yeah doggy." This blog is going to be awesome.
My encounters with the youth of Northfield have been spotty, but I like to think of myself as friends with one of the student leaders of the Key (I use the term friend loosely), and I have a great deal of respect for the youth programming that goes on in Northfield and the high schoolers who are involved in making Northfield a better place for youth. So, dear readers (I use the term readers loosely....), know that we do in fact love and respect these kids and mean no harm.
That being said, I'm hoping they in turn mean no harm to us, as Mer and I found a gang symbol sharpied outside our apartment door the other day--but I'm pretty sure it wasn't directed toward us, as they see our door as an inconvenient metal fixture on their hang-out stoop (our doorstep). I'll add a pic soon, but the symbol is a) on the sidewalk and b) way too white/hippie/stoner/artistic to be anything too h-core.
Secondly: high times. One of the staples of our door stoop crowd, let's call her Shundies (shorts that are so short they look like underwear=shundies, copyright Kevin Rusk 2009), just discovered the magazine
High Times. If you're not familiar with this stonermag, check out the link. Apparently, there were "like all these sweet pictures, and they totally like show you how to roll a spliff and shit." Just to clarify your mental picture of Shundies, she's less of the blonde cheerleader shundie type and more of the unshowered/unbrushed hair and shundies coupled with an Urban Outfitters hippie shirt (wait, does she think that shirt is a dress? Oh no those are shorts) type.
Can't wait to learn some more swears and all the new terms for marijuana!