Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Adventures on the Bridge

Not much has happened since we last posted. The kids have been mysteriously absent. There have been a few interesting things to note, however:

1. I came home one day last week and saw a solitary silver flip flop in the walkway between buildings. Later that evening there were two of them. The next morning, after a rainstorm and who knows what else, they were still there. My friend contemplated wearing them out to dinner since he forgot to bring other shoes besides his dress boots. However, the dress boots won out.

2. When home sick from work on Monday, I woke up from a nap to see a girl curled up asleep on the sidewalk. Not in a nook, or on a doorstep, but right in the middle of the sidewalk. She snoozed for a while and then woke up when I went downstairs and outside to run an errand. Next time I can't fall asleep in my bed I'm gonna try the hard concrete instead.

3. Last night while sitting on our couch overlooking the Cannon, I saw a 4 person golf car zip by the Cow and turn onto the bridge. It went all the way across and looked pretty sweet.

4. Here is the most exciting update: Last night another friend, who may at times be a guest blogger, and I were walking across the bridge headed for a late dinner at HoBros. A little punk dressed in black riding a too small bike was up ahead of us on the bridge. Next thing we know, another rider, clothed pretty much the same, whizzes past my friend, clipping him on the elbow and creating quite a scare. What happened to "on your right?" or "Excuse me?" PUNKS. Watch your back on the Cannon River bridge.

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